Logowanie na serwer jedynie za pomocą dedykowanego klienta gry. [DOWNLOAD]

The newest player: Sfwewa The best player: Top G (501 lvl)
Accounts: 15 Players: 31
Level Magic Fist Club Sword Axe Distance Shield Fishing
Left Image Całkowita liczba fragów na serwerze: 4 Right Image

Rank Frags Name AVG LVL
#1 2 Falban 426
#2 1 Emerald 314
#3 1 Top G 390
#4 0 Sicario NAN
#5 0 uguiguiguig NAN
#6 0 guigiugiugiug NAN
#7 0 Wolverine NAN
#8 0 The Undertaker NAN
#9 0 Norman NAN
#10 0 Listonosz NAN
#11 0 Manox NAN
#12 0 Koxx NAN
#13 0 Goshoko NAN
#14 0 TaBa NAN
#15 0 Buzka NAN
#16 0 Doktor NAN
#17 0 uguiguig NAN
#18 0 giugyugiuyg NAN
#19 0 Paktofonika NAN
#20 0 Obcokrajowca NAN
#21 0 Bloker NAN
#22 0 PlayerOnScreen NAN
#23 0 Zero Expa NAN
#24 0 Zero podwyzek NAN
#25 0 zero koncepcji NAN
#26 0 Ugibugikreceszlugi NAN
#27 0 Archnemesis NAN
#28 0 Eczek NAN
#29 0 Big G NAN
#30 0 VW Polo NAN
#31 0 Sfwewa NAN

1 2 3 4 5 6
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