Logowanie na serwer jedynie za pomocą dedykowanego klienta gry. [DOWNLOAD]

The newest player: pawel The best player: Nowy EK (1002 lvl)
Accounts: 135 Players: 238
Most powerfull guilds

Portalak Pies

336 kills


120 kills


109 kills

Aby wyswietlic szczególy kliknij na nazwie danego questu.

 Wymagany Poziom 
Noob Quest -
 Train Room
Cyclop Quest -
 Center City
Serpent Sword Quest -
 Center City
Dwarf Quest -
 Center City
Dark Shield Quest -
 Electry City
Obsidian Knife Quest -
 Center City
Sweaty Cyclops Quest -
 Center City
RiB Quest -
Blessed Wooden stake Quest -
 Electry City
Voolcano Quest -
 Center City
Elane Crossbow Quest -
 Electry City
Lady Quest -
 Desert City
DSH Quest -
Simon Staff Quest -
Hydra Quest -
CWTC Quest -
 Poison City
Desert Quest 20
 Poison City
Bright Sword Quest 20
 Center City
Knight Armor Quest 30
Knight Axe Quest 32
 Old Land
Dragon Lord Quest 35
 Center City
Giant Spider Quest 35
 Center City
Undead Quest 35
 Desert City
Naginata Quest 50
 Center City
Black Knight Quest 50
 Poison City
Hero Cave Quest 50
 Old Land
Fire Axe Quest 60
 Old Land
Boots of Haste Quest 60
Mermaid Comb Quest 60
 Desert City
Dragon Lance Quest 60
 Desert City
Wrath Quest 70
Ceirons Waterskin Quest 75
Behemoth Quest 80
Winged Helmet Quest 80
 Old Land
PoI Quest 80
 Poison City
Demon Helmet Quest 100
 Old Land
HotA Quest 100
 Desert City
Annihilator 100
 Old Land
Thunder Hammer Quest 150
 Old Land
Golden Boots Quest 300
 Old Land
Demon Legs Quest -
Blessed Shield Quest 300
Trip Quest 300